
Gotta Go Green

How to Prevent Drainfield Damage

Friday, November 10, 2023

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External network of residential drainfield

A drainfield is a crucial component of a septic system, as it is responsible for removing pollutants and contaminants from the wastewater before it is released back into the environment. However, there are several factors that can cause damage to your drainfield and prevent it from functioning properly.

Tree and shrub roots are one of the most common causes of drainfield damage. These roots can grow into the drainfield and clog the pipes, causing wastewater to back up into your home. In addition, roots can also cause the pipes to collapse or break, which can result in a complete failure of the drainfield.

Cars and other heavy vehicles driving over the drainfield can also cause significant damage. The weight of the vehicles can compact the soil, making it more difficult for the wastewater to filter through and increasing the risk of clogs and backups. In addition, the heavy machinery can also damage the pipes and disrupt the flow of wastewater.

Livestock is another common cause of drainfield damage. The hooves of cattle, horses, and other livestock can compact the soil and damage the pipes, causing clogs and backups. In addition, livestock waste can also contaminate the drainfield and increase the risk of groundwater pollution.

To protect your drainfield from damage, it is important to be mindful of the location and surrounding area. Avoid planting trees and shrubs too close to the drainfield, and make sure that heavy vehicles and livestock are not allowed to access the area. Regular inspections and maintenance of your septic system can also help to ensure that your drainfield is functioning properly and prevent potential damage from occurring.

In conclusion, tree and shrub roots, cars, and livestock can all cause significant damage to your drainfield and prevent it from functioning properly. To protect your drainfield and ensure that your septic system is working efficiently, it is important to take the necessary steps to minimize these potential hazards.

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